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Some May 1991 Activities

(Just memories now.)

May 3, 8 pm: PROSPECT COFFEE HOUSE in Hagerstown. Tonight's entertainment is provided by The Pheromones ("You gotta see these guys" -- Anjel Scarborough) and also by Juan Avila. A night of political satire, comedy, Spanish and American fold music, and GUITARS. (How do you make a pheromone?*) Performance at 31 S. Prospect Street, admission $5. Meet at Travis Hardin's 7 to 7:30. RA; 739-8414. (*Kick him on the ankh.)

May 11, Saturday 4 pm: "NIGHT OF THE LIVING COMPUTER NERDS" PARTY at Anjel Scarborough's, 6733 Killdeer Ct., Frederick. Just another shameless excuse to have a party, play with computers, play volleyball, eat, drink, and be merry! $5.00 per person covers all libations (including the German beer on tap!) BYO favorite software, and a potluck dish to share. Hardware will be provided (but laptops are always welcome)! SPACE IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 20 PEOPLE WHO RESERVE A SPOT -- so don't wait, call NOW! The number, in Western Maryland, is 662-XXXX.

May 26, (SUN) 2 pm: WHITE GARDEN PARTY At Bill and Jan Todd's. What better way to debut your summer whites than a garden party on Memorial Day weekend. There will be croquet and/or badminton on the lawn. Children welcome, especially if they wear white. Call Bill or Jan at 694-xxxx to coordinate food and for pink flamingo directions to their Frederick home.