Travis Hardin Home
: Essays : Veteran Members
From the LocSec June 2007
By Travis Hardin
Originally published in the newsletter of North Alabama Mensa
The first in three years, a directory is included in this month's newsletter. The preparers -- Roger and Martha Williams and Louise Hardin hope it will be useful to you until the next directory perhaps three years away. You will also find a national Mensa directory on line. Viewing, select "Members" then "Directory." You can review or change your own Profile in the national directory, or even post a biography and photo of yourself--all that under the "Members" tab (requires your personal password).
Looking over the membership list reveals a number of long-time members, life members, and a group of members greater than 80 years of age (as well as six school-age Mensans). The member with the greatest seniority is Ronald C. Higgins of Gadsden, a member of Mensa continuously since 1965. Mr. Higgins is a lawyer and a musician. (We would enjoy hearing you do a Dinner Meeting program about one of your interests, Mr. Higgins, when you make it to Huntsville.)
Other early members who joined in the 70's are:
Joseph W. Monroe, 1971
Dr. James D. Marr, 1972
Glenn Jackson, 1975
Ann Colvin Luckey, 1975
William Gordon Maddox, 1975
Bonnie Gaye McDaniel, 1976
Walter Stenberg, 1976
Jerry Riley Brookshire, 1977
Al Matthews, 1977
Bill Adams, 1979
Henry Brevoort Cannon, 1979
Thomas Franklin Craig, 1979
Thomas Watts DeLong, 1979
William C. Mastin, 1979
Dwight Maxwell, 1979
Herbert Hoover Moseley, 1979
Ernestine Daniels first joined in 1973 and Paul Wieland first joined in the 70's, if the occasional membership lapse is overlooked. I will continue with this list in a future column.
Our newsletter editor Kevin Omel was on the receiving end of an accident a few weeks ago when he lost control of a washing machine at the head of a flight of stairs, which item he found on top of him when he reached the bottom. Kevin returned from the hospital to allow two broken wrists and a shattered scapula to heal. If you want to wish him and Karen well, his contact information is on the inside cover as usual. Underneath his name is that of Louise Hardin who will co-edit for a while, since Kevin now has the typing ability of Flipper (though he is up and around). Please send any newsletter material to both of them, including corrections to the membership directory, which will appear in the newsletter.
updated April 2016 |