Travis Hardin Home
: Essays : Bylaws being modified
September 2007
From the LocSec
by Travis Hardin
Originally published in the newsletter of North Alabama Mensa
Our group is known for its large retention rate: You all renew faithfully. Sometimes those renewals straggle into summer. We are back up to 198 members as of July 31. We gain two to three new members and move-ins each month. Each month five to ten inquiries from our area reach the national office, and we personally let the prospects know the date of the next local membership test. We have a vital and growing group. We're having a new member party in September, so please come if you're a new member. (The definition is very broad.) Veteran membershostsare also invited.
Our next membership test will be on Saturday, October 20. The location will likely be the Huntsville Public Library. When the place and time are set, our testing coordinator, Richard Randall, will publicize the information in the newsletter and on our NorbaMensa Web site. Or you can reach him at the phone number on the back cover.
Please look at our activities calendar and join in the fun and conversation as often as you can. Plan a brunch or dinner at a restaurant in your town and send the detail to our editors for the newsletter. For planning purposes, I can tell you about how many Mensans are near you if you give me a call or an email with a list of the post offices of interest.
BORING BUT IMPORTANT: American Mensa tells us our bylawsthe rules we operate bymust be brought up to their new standards. Our bylaws committee chair, Mike Wilkinson, will present a draft for ExCom approval on September 22. After approval by American Mensa, the proposal and ballot will appear toward the end of the year in the newsletter for your vote. To comment in the planning stage, please contact Mike or me before mid-September. To see our current bylaws, see To see the new requirements, search on "bylaws" at the American Mensa Website,
updated April 2016 |