Travis Hardin Home
: Essays : Cristina retires
From the LocSec: Cristina Retires
By Travis Hardin April 2008
Originally published in the newsletter of North Alabama Mensa
April's dinner meeting will be the third Sunday at 6 p.m. (insteady of 6:30) at the Von Braun Observatory in Monte Sano Park. After eating, we'll be given a tour and a talk by the dedicated folks of the Von Braun Astronomical Society. Weather permitting, they'll set up some telescopes outside for your sky-watching pleasure. The local Mensa chapter is picking up the cost of using the facility. FAMILY AND GUESTS ARE WELCOME. See details about food elsewhere in this issue.
Program chair Cristina Hinkle set up this treat for us. After two years of presenting excellent speakers and finding excellent restaurants for the meetings, Cristina is taking a break. Join me in thanking her as she leaves office April 30. On the same day, Gordon Parks will leave office as recording secretary, and Joanne Boyd will begin. We thank them both for volunteering.
If you want to vote on the proposed bylaws included in the March issue, email before May 30 will be acceptable. Please include your membership number.
Two years ago I trotted up the aisle in Orlando to accept a plaque given to North Alabama Mensa by American Mensa for the best retention rate in the country. Last year it was Birmingham, where we won a certificate for being in the top three. If you would like to keep up that tradition, please remember the membership renewal deadline is March 31 to retain your seniority. (The only privilege of seniority is recognition, but that can be pleasant.) You can renew on line at
I hope to see you soon at a Mensa event, or as the author of a piece in this newsletter. If you have been recognized in the community and would like to let us know, our newsletter editors would like to hear from you.
updated April 2016 |