Travis Hardin Home
: Essays : Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader
Are You Smarter
From the LocSec [February newsletter 2009]
by Travis Hardin
Originally published in the newsletter of North Alabama Mensa
Mark Thursday, March 12 on your calendar as the date Mensa will help the local Alzheimer's Association ( ) produce an entertaining fund raiser "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?" to be presented at the Von Braun Center Playhouse.
Cristina Hinkle, Mensa's community services chair and a great planner herself, is our liaison to the Alzheimer’s group. Cristina will need a few Mensans of all ages as the adult contestants. Wouldn’t it be fun to find that a 3rd grade Mensan might be smarter than a fifth grader? For details, would you please call Cristina and put your name on the list if this sounds like fun to you.
Other business and government groups may be solicited to supply a few contestants. The fifth graders have already been lined up, sorry. Updates will be by email and via the mail list .
Dinner speakers are needed for the next year. Do you have a good talk in you, about 20 minutes? Contact the LocSec. Our groups has use of a PowerPoint projector and screen as well as an old-fashioned overhead projector.
If not a talk, why not write a single-page biography about yourself or about a Mensa friend for publication. Send it and a photo to our newsletter editor.
A new slate of officers will take office April 1. If interested please contact nominating committee chair Doug Roth ( Or question any current officer).
FYI Department: We have a little over 200 members spread across north Alabama. About 10% of them ever attend any event and become active members. That is typical for a lot of organizations.
updated April 2016 |